IN-QUATTRO Collaborates with 3DWS to Release the First Two-Phase Cooled High Performance Workstation Solution.

Rome, Italy, August 10th, 2021 – IN-QUATTRO announced a collaboration with 3DWS to release its innovative two-phase cooling solutions in 3DWS Professional Workstations which are high-performing and optimized to target processing large amounts of data, or render 3D graphics and videos needs. The integration enables deployment of high wattage processors like AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990x 64-Core, 128-Thread to support compute-intense workloads.

IN-QUATTRO and 3DWS are working closely to release a plug-and-play two-phase flow cooling solution that is installed by 3DWS in a high end workstation equipped with AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990x 64-Core, 128-Thread, one of the most powerful processors on the market. With the innovative cooling solution, 3DWS is able to maximize processor performance even in overclocking configuration. 3DWS will offer these new two-phase cooled workstations this calendar year.

Testing Two-Phase Cooling System on AMD Threadripper 3990X at 3DWS Laboratory

“We are excited by this collaboration with 3DWS to enable the first efficient two-phase flow cooling solution for high performance workstations,” said Giorgia Lancione, thermal engineer at IN-QUATTRO. “With our flexible, efficient and reliable two-phase flow cooling system offering, we are able to develop complete turnkey solutions engineered to meet the challenging of 3DWS’s requirements, without compromising.”

“To meet the ever-increasing computational challenges of professional workstation, we evaluated several cooling solutions without success,” said Dimitar Dinev, Ceo at 3DWS. “IN-QUATTRO and 3DWS will release new systems that we believe will give to our customers the best performance at the right price while being the most powerful systems cooled with a two-phase flow solution.”

ABOUT 3DWS: 3DWS builds top performance 3D Workstations, Render-Farms based on most powerful Intel® and AMD® CPUs and NVIDIA® Quadro® and Tesla® GPUs. Offering personal consulting and support, that is becoming quite rare in the industry, 3DWS provides a superior level of selection and customization of powerful computing solutions for both Windows and Linux platforms.
To learn more about 3DWS professional workstation visit

To learn more about IN-QUATTRO two-phase cooling solutions visit

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